

Alexis McAffrey

Alexis is the owner-operator of Stoex Design Gallery in Amarillo, TX. Alexis believes that community and fellowship are the key components to creativity. She strives to foster connections and create a sense of belonging in her space. Stoex Design Gallery is more than just a place to view art - it's a hub where artists, patrons and neighbors can engage with one another and build lasting relationship in this short life of ours. Alexis is also a firefighter wife in Amarillo, Texas to the dashing mister Jordan Mcaffrey and mother to two beautiful babies.

Alicia Cartrite

Alicia Is deeply invested in all things creative, admiring anyone who passionately pursues their craft and eager to engage in conversation about it. As a creative herself, she understands the value and necessity of community and loves bringing people together. Married to Amarillo local filmmaker Blake Cartrite and mother to two endlessly entertaining little girls, Alicia is quick to laugh and always ready to dive into new adventures.

Jamison Joiner

Jamison is a dedicated music enthusiast and recreational writer. Jami is very independent, consistently navigating her pursuits with self-reliance and determination. As a mother she cherishes her family and balances her creative pursuits with nurturing her loved ones. Known for her unwavering support, Jami is always there for her friends, offering a listening ear and heartfelt advice.